5 ways to over come fear within minutes

Fear is both a natural and necessary response to perceived threats, both physical and emotional and without it we wouldn’t be able to protect ourselves from real danger. However it seems that many of us find ourselves afraid of things that aren’t going to harm us, but instead would benefit us in the long run, like quitting a job, leaving a relationship or taking a chance an opportunity that arises. This fear often occurs because we’re afraid to break out of our comfort zone, afraid of change and afraid of failing. There are many things we can do to over-come our fear, but until we do we will never know what it means to live life. Yes, you are alive, you are a precious human being, but are you really living if you’re not willing to take chances necessary to live the life you want? Are you really content? If the answer is no, then there is work that must be done! Because fear won’t disappear on it’s own, and you’re never going to know what great opportunities await until you break out of that shell!

Here are 5 ways to over come fear within minutes:

1. Breathe. Deep breathing puts us into a state of relaxation, not only by allowing a proper amount of oxygen into our bodies, but also by instantly calming a racing mind. The simple act of conscious breathing is actually the easiest form of meditation and can bring us into states of higher awareness. When we shallow breathe we actually trigger our body’s response to a threat, and instantly catapult it into a state of anxiety. By taking control of our breath, we can take control of the symptoms that come along with fear.

2. Use EFT. There will always be people out there who will tell you that emotional freedom technique doesn’t work, but there are far more people who swear by it and will tell you that it does. These people included the late Wayne Dyer, Oprah, and Deepak Chopra!

3. Use binaural beats. These frequencies are pretty awesome and can have you calm in minutes. (I’m listening to them right now actually!!)

4. Write down what it is your so afraid of. Write a list of what could possibly go wrong, then tip the scales by writing all the wonderful things that could go right!

5. Use your Imagination for a peaceful outcome. Our imagination is incrediblypowerful, but often we use it to imagine the worst possible outcome when we are faced with having to make changes in our lives. So instead of imagining the negative in the upcoming event, imagine the best possible outcome, as vividly as possible! The more you practice this, the easier these events will manifest into your life, the way you want them to happen!!

What are you so afraid of and are you really going to let that fear decide your fate?