The Chakras Made Easy

Chakras Made Easy

The following is an excerpt from the "Chakras Made Easy" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

The concept of chakras comes to us from the yogic literature of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, thousands of years ago. Chakras are centers of energy found in everyone, and these centers receive, transform and distribute the universal life force throughout the body. As such, chakras play an important part in our physical, emotional and spiritual health.

While the traditional chakra system is made up of seven major chakras and several hundred minor chakras, other systems identify additional chakras located above and beyond the uppermost chakra in the traditional system, known as the Crown Chakra. The system described in this course looks at the seven major chakras and their functions.


Each chakra rotates in a spiral vibration, originating outside our auric field and then flows into various points along the spine, which are connected to the nervous system. Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency; the first chakra vibrating at the slowest densest vibration in the aura, moving up thru the seventh, which vibrates at a faster, more refined frequency. A healthy chakra can be identified by its clear and vibrant color, and the speed and smoothness of its movement. An unhealthy chakra is usually seen as having murky coloration and erratic or sluggish movement.

The activity of the chakras corresponds specifically to both physiological and psychic functions. For example, the first chakra focuses on your basic survival, so attends to both your bodily well being, as well as your basic sense of safety in the world. In the deepest sense, the chakras function as windows to the soul. Each chakra, like a window, allows a particular view and perception of some part of your physical, psychological and emotional life.

Each chakra has a specific tone, color and filter, which allow a person to organize and digest information energetically and use it in our physical world. Just as various sizes and shapes of windows, along with shades, blinds, drapes, curtains, or nothing covering the window at all, will influences your perception of reality, so too, does each chakra, depending upon its health, also reveal the world to you, both inside and out.

Imagine, for example, that one window is clear, another is cracked and distorted, and yet another fogged over. Just as you can see then how the condition of the windows of your home affect your view of your neighborhood, and so too do your chakras need to be clear and in good repair in order to give you the best, so too, most accurate view and experience of life.

The health and vibrancy of each chakra is influenced by both the energies that surround you and the energies projected from your own belief system (your thoughts and feelings.) This combined energy is then recorded and stored in your body and consciousness affecting how you feel and experience life. The more aware and informed you are about the state your chakras are in, and the more knowledge you have in how to keep your chakra system functioning properly, the happier and healthier you will be.

When your chakras are healthy and clear, your life flows smoothly. When any one of them is sluggish, shut down, or its vibration is weak, the imbalance can show up as a physical symptom affecting a particular area of your body, or as an emotional or psychological symptom affecting your outlook.

For example, a weak or sluggish third chakra can lead to low self-esteem and problems with your stomach. A weak or sluggish fourth chakra is associated with having difficulties opening up to others and with a weak heart.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to rebalance and stimulate the vibrational flow of your chakras. By working with this program, you will first come to understand the nature of each chakra. Second, you will learn how to tell if any of your chakras are in need of attention, and third, I’ll show you simple behaviors you can do to work with each chakra to bring your life back into harmonious and healthy flow. The result is that you will start to feel more confidence, energized, and peaceful—at every moment in any situation.


The chakras teach us that we are bodies made up as rays of light. Each chakra has a color that resonates with a specific frequency on the color spectrum. As this light is refracted it moves through our chakra wheels, the corresponding color appears due to the varying degrees of this wave like energy.

For example, the crown chakra reflects white/violet because it has the shortest wave length, and white being the highest color on the color spectrum, while the root chakra reflects the color red, which has the longest wave length, and red is the lowest color on the color spectrum.
When interpreting chakra energy many people misunderstand that chakras moving slowly are stuck, and congested. The first three chakras are oriented towards the physical experience which is a more dense energy frequency so they naturally move slower than the middle and upper chakras. The heart chakra acts as the bridge between the physical chakras and the etheric spiritual experience which are centered in chakras five, six, and seven.

The colors that come through our chakra system affect us deeply, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. This spectrum of light affects every living cell. Because of this we can use color frequencies to rejuvenate our chakras and help us move toward wholeness.
I want to take the opportunity to explain that the particular color of each chakra correspond to the classic color spectrum. Knowing this, work from the crown chakra, associate each of the following specific colors, working from the crown downward until you become familiar with colors of the chakras as follows:

7. Crown - Violet (white/gold)
6. Third eye (Brow) - Indigo
5. Throat - Blue
4. Heart - Green
3. Solar plexus - Yellow
2. Sacral - Orange
1. Root - Red

When you are familiar with the colors of the chakras you can use the color wheel to help better assess and strengthen the energetic condition of each chakra. Start by answering the following questions in your journal.

Which color is the easiest to imagine?

Which is your favorite color? How does that color make you feel? 

What color is your least favorite? When surrounded by that color how does it make you feel? 

As you explore these questions, allow your third eye, your sixth chakra to activate and open and see if you can recall specific memories associated with your favorite and least favorite color. Write these memories down in your journal. Trusting your intuition and working with the previous lessons, what does your attraction to specific colors and resistance to others tell you about your chakras? You may wonder if your interpretation is accurate, but remember, the point of this course is to help you connect with your inner guidance, so feel the vibration and trust your first response and the awareness it brings, and you will energetically feel whether or not your insights are valid. No one knows your chakra system better than you, even if you are new to conscious awareness of your chakras.


Listed below are the basic correspondences of the seven chakras. As you work with chakras, refer to this list for applying awareness and action to the chakra you are attending to.

In the following guide, you will find a list of stones, essential oils, musical notes, and colors among other corresponding elements relevant to each chakra. When working on a specific chakra, use the stone, crystal, oil, color and musical note corresponding to that chakra to help strengthen its vibration as you work.

You can place the suggested stone on the chakra in focus, for example, and ask that it support the energy of its highest vibration making it whole and balanced. You can intone the sound corresponding to that chakra to help bring it into balance as well. Wear the color corresponding to the chakra to help balance that chakra’s vibration in your body. Use your creativity to apply the corresponding elements in each chakra to your life. Follow your intuition. Have fun, play and intend to heal and balance as you work.


The root chakra corresponds with the element of earth. It is located at the perineum (base of the spine) and moves energy into the legs, hips and feet.

Here are some basic facts that are important to know about the root chakra:

1. The Sanskrit Name for the fist chakra is muladhara, which means root.
2. The ancient symbol for this chakra is a circle surrounded by four lotus petals, with a square inside it.
3. The color of this color in the auric field is deep ruby red
4. All chakras have a corresponding musical note, which it vibrates to. The musical note for the first chakra is “C.”
5. All chakras also have a corresponding Hindu or Vedic Mantra. For the first, or root chakra it is – “lam”
6. All chakras also have a corresponding sensory experience in the physical plane –for the first chakra it is your sense of smell.
7. All chakras also have a corresponding essential oil or oils, which naturally activate and balance that chakra. For the first chakra the natural essential oils are sandalwood, cinnamon, cedar wood.
8. All chakras also have corresponding crystals and minerals, which naturally activate and balance that chakra. The crystals and minerals that correspond to the first or root chakra are ruby, hematite, black tourmaline, and bloodstone.
9. All chakras have a corresponding aspect in the physical body. The corresponding aspect of the root chakra in the physical body is the adrenal glands.
10. All chakras affect corresponding physical organs and physical body parts. The first or root chakra affects the immune system, rectum, bones and bone marrow, base of spine.
11. Each chakra corresponds to an emotional aspect in the human experience. The first or root chakra’s main issue is survival
12. Each chakra, when in balance, calls into action a personal right. The first chakra, the root chakra calls into action our right to have.”
13. Every chakra also has a corresponding astrological sign or signs and planets. The first chakra corresponds with the astrological signs of Aries, Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn, and the planets Mars, Pluto and Saturn.


The second chakra is also known as the sacral chakra and corresponds with the element of water. It is located in the lower abdomen about two inches below the navel.

1. The second chakra’s Sanskrit name is Svadhisthans.
2. The second chakra’s ancient symbol is a circle surrounded by six lotus petals.
3. The second chakra’s corresponding color in the auric field is Orange.
4. The musical note corresponding to the second chakra is D.
5. The Hindu or Vedic Mantra for the second or sacral chakra is Vam.
6. The corresponding sensory experience in the physical body for the second or sacral chakra is that of Taste.
7. The corresponding natural essential Oils for the second or sacral chakra are Jasmine, Rosemary, Neroli, Ylang Ylang.
8. The corresponding crystals and minerals for the second or sacral chakra are Moonstone, Citrine, Topaz, Amber.
9. The corresponding hormonal gland in the physical body for the second or sacral chakra is the Pancreas.
10. The corresponding organs the sacral or second chakra affects are the bladder, kidneys, pelvis, lymphatic system, ovaries & testes.
11. The main psychic issues the second chakra affects are one’s emotions and sexuality.
12. The corresponding personal right of the second or sacral is “to feel.”
13. The corresponding astrological signs for the second or sacral chakra are Libra, Cancer, Scorpio, and the planets Venus and Pluto.


The third chakra, known as the Solar Plexus corresponds with the element of fire. It is located below the sternum, over the stomach region.

1. The Sanskrit Name for the third chakra is “Manipura.”
2. The ancient symbol for the third chakra is a circle surrounded by ten Lotus petals and within it a triangle.
3. The corresponding color for the third chakra, the solar plexus is Yellow.
4. The corresponding musical note for the third chakra, the solar plexus is E.
5. The Hindu or Vedic Mantra for the third chakra, the solar plexus is RAM.
6. The corresponding sensory experience in the physical body for the solar plexus is that of Vision.
7. The natural essential oils for the third chakra, the solar plexus are Juniper, Lemon, Bergamot, and Grapefruit.
8. The natural corresponding crystals and minerals for the third chakra are Yellow Topaz, Tigers Eye, and Citrine.
9. The corresponding hormonal glands in the physical body for the third chakra are also the pancreas and adrenals.
10. The corresponding organs the third chakra, the solar plexus affects are the respiratory system, stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, small intestine, lower back, and sympathetic nervous system.
11. The main corresponding psychic issue of the third chakra or solar plexus is that of personal power and the right to act.
12. The corresponding astrological signs for the third chakra, or solar plexus are Leo, Sagittarius, Virgo, planets mercury Jupiter, Mars.


The heart chakra corresponds with the element of air. It is located in the chest area at the cardiac plexus region.

1. The Sanskrit Name for the heart chakra is Anahatra.
2. The ancient symbol for the heart chakra is a circle surrounded by 12 lotus petals, within it a six-pointed star.
3. The corresponding colors for the heart chakra are Pink for romantic, emotional, aspect of the heart, and green for wise, sage compassion.
4. The corresponding musical note for the fourth chakra, the heart chakra is F. 5. The Hindu or Vedic Mantra for the heart chakra is Yam.
6. The corresponding sensory experience in the physical body for the fourth chakra, the heart chakra is Touch.
7. The corresponding essential oils for the fourth chakra, the heart chakra are Rose, Carnation, and Sandalwood.
8. The corresponding crystals and minerals for the heart chakra are Rose quartz, Rhodonite, Emerald, and Diamond.
9. The corresponding Hormonal Gland in the physical body for the heart chakra is the Thymus gland.
10. The corresponding organs in the physical body for the fourth chakra, the heart chakra are the Heart and circulation, immune system, skin, lungs, bronchial tubes.
11. The main psychic issues corresponding to the heart chakra are relationships, and love and the right to love openly and be loved.
12. The corresponding astrological signs for the fourth chakra are Libra, Leo and Sagittarius, Planets Venus, Saturn, Sun.


The fifth chakra, also known as the throat chakra corresponds with the element of either. This may be looked at as dew in the early morning, or the aura of all things contained in physical form. It is located at the throat area, slightly below the Adams apple.

1. The Sanskrit Nam for the fifth or throat chakra is Vissudha (purification.)
2. The ancient symbol for the fifth or throat chakra is a circle surrounded by the 16 lotus petals and inside it a circle containing a triangle.
3. The corresponding color the fifth, or throat chakra is the color Sky blue
4. The corresponding musical note for the fifth or throat chakra is G.
5. The Hindu or Vedic Mantra for the fifth or throat chakra is Ham.
6. The corresponding sensory experience for the fifth or throat chakra in the physical body is the sense of Hearing.
7. The corresponding essential oils for the fifth or throat chakra are Lavender.
8. The corresponding crystals and minerals for the fifth or throat chakra are Aquamarine, turquoise, and blue quartz.
9. The corresponding Hormonal Gland on the physical body for the fifth or throat chakra is the Thyroid and Parathyroid.
10. The corresponding organs in the physical body for the fifth or throat chakra thyroid, neck, vocal cords, mouth, teeth, gums, jaw, ears, muscle.
11. The main psychic issues for the fifth chakra are communication, self-discipline and expression, truth fullness with the right to speak.
12. The corresponding astrological signs for the fifth or throat chakra are Taurus, Gemini, Aquarius, Planets Venus, Mercury, Uranus and Mars.


The sixth or brow chakra corresponds with the element of light. It is located between the eyebrows middle of brain at Pituitary gland.

1. The Sanskrit Name for the sixth, or brow chakra is (ASNA) to perceive.
2. The ancient symbol fir the sixth or brow chakra is a circle surrounded on each side by two large lotus petals (or a lotus with 96 petals) and inside it a triangle.
3. The corresponding color for the sixth or brow chakra is deep indigo blue.
4. The corresponding musical note for the sixth chakra is A.
5. The Hindu or Vedic Mantra for the sixth or brow chakra is AUM.
6. The corresponding sensory experience in the physical body for the sixth or brow chakra is Intuition.
7. The corresponding essential oils for the sixth or brow chakra are Geranium, sweet pea, and lavender.
8. The corresponding crystals & minerals for the sixth or brow chakra are Lapidolite, Azurite, amethyst, lapis lazuli.
9. The corresponding Hormonal Gland for the sixth or brow chakra is the Pituitary Gland.
10. The corresponding organs for the sixth or brow chakra are Brain, nervous system, and Pineal pituitary, gluons sinuses.
11. The main psychic issues corresponding to the sixth chakra are mental clarity, sharp intellect, and the ability to “see” clearly and the right to see.
12. The astrological signs corresponding to the sixth or brow chakra are Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius and the planets Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury and Neptune.


The seventh chakra, also known as the crown chakra corresponds with the element of transcends/cosmos connection. It is located at the cerebral cortex, midpoint of the sagittal suture, or in other words, at the highest point on your head.

1. The Sanskrit name for the seventh or crown chakra is Sahasrara (thousand fold.)
2. The ancient symbol for the seventh or crown chakra is the Thousand Petal Lotus (thousand petal lotus)
3. The corresponding color for the seventh or crown chakra is White/gold or violet/silver.
4. The corresponding musical note for the seventh or crown chakra is B.
5. The Hindu or Vedic mantra for the crown chakra is AAHH.
6. The corresponding sensory experience for the crown chakra is Transcendence, or on other words the ability to remain in the world but be unaffected by it.
7. The corresponding essential oils for the seventh or crown chakra are Jasmine, frankincense, lotus.
8. The corresponding crystals and minerals for the seventh or crown chakra are Moldavite, diamonds, amethyst, clear quartz.
9. The corresponding Hormonal gland for the seventh or crown chakra is the Pineal gland.
10. The corresponding organs in the physical body to the seventh or crown chakra are the Central nervous system, muscular and skeletal system.
11. The main psychic issue surrounding the seventh or crown chakra is Spiritual awakening, the understanding that we are not physical, but rather eternal Spiritual beings in temporary physical form and the corresponding right is the right to know.
12. The corresponding astrological signs to the seventh or crown chakra are Capricorn and Pisces, and the planets Saturn, and Neptune.