What is Resentment?
What is Resentment? Resentment is a powerful, negative emotion characterized by a feeling of being treated unfairly. This injustice may real or perceived and can be due to feeling you are not given the respect, admiration, importance, consideration or affection that you are due. It is a destructive emotion that rarely goes away on its own because there is very little motivation to change it. Emotions like anger produce a significant amount of adrenaline that, after a while, exhausts the body and the anger slowly fades away. Resentment does not have the same effect on the body and thus can remain unresolved and persist for years. Most people feel resentful at one time or another but for some, this emotion becomes habitual and a way of being as opposed to a reaction to a specific event. Chronic resentment, then, acts as a magnet for future resentment. It gravely distorts thinking so that every new incident of perceived unfairness becomes magnified and added onto the existi...