Yogic breathing
Yogic breathing: chest to belly or belly to chest;
what is the proper breathing technique?
To understand the intricate process of respiration, we need to know two important facts.
FACT 1: Air will flow from an area of higher pressure to the area of lower pressure
FACT 2: Lungs DO NOT have muscular tissue, which means that you cannot move your lungs at will. Instead the outer surface of the lungs sticks to the inner surface of the rib cage and to the top of the diaphragm; as a result, lungs get pulled following the movement of those structures. So you cannot move your lungs directly, but you COULD intentionally expand the ribcage and, to some degree, affect the movement of the diaphragm (because it is a muscle), which would move your lungs indirectly.
Technically here is what happens when we breathe:
When the air rushes into the lungs, they get filled all at once – you CANNOT fill the bottom of the lungs first and then the top. Oxygen is not liquid, it’s gas; therefore you cannot fill a container (lungs) from the bottom up, like you would with liquid.
The degree of movement of the diaphragm and the ribcage can vary.
During diaphragmatic or deep breathing we rely mostly on the movement of the diaphragm; it usually occurs at minimal levels of activity.
During costal, or shallow breathing we rely mostly on the rib cage changing it’s shape and is more common during higher activity levels OR when the contents of the abdominal cavity restricts the movement of the diaphragm (for example, when there is a baby there).
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As you can see from this image, your abdominal cavity is packed with stuff – vital organs, digestive tract, etc. When the diaphragm moves down on the inhalation, it pushes down on your abdominal content and it has no other place to go but forward, so your belly pushes forward.
So far we have described the natural pattern of breath: when you breathe in, your chest and your belly both expand AT THE SAME TIME; when you breathe out, both of them return back to the original shape. Now, we CAN use muscular control to change that pattern, consciously or unconsciously. One of the examples of unconscious muscular interference is an unfortunate pattern of “reverse breathing”, when we pull the belly in on the inhale, instead of pushing it out. So if you are keeping your abdomen taut on the inhalation, you are preventing your abdominal contents from moving forward, which means that it will stay where it is and restrict the movement of the diaphragm. So you will end up relying on your rib cage instead; if you do it consistently over time your diaphragm might loose some of it’s elasticity causing shorter and shallower breathing (and who wants that?!)
When we decide to change the natural pattern consciously, we might CHOOSE to expand the belly first and then expand the chest or we might CHOOSE to expand the chest first and then expand the belly. Both are voluntary actions done for a number of reasons:
To emphasize the movement of the diaphragm
To try to overcome “reverse breathing” pattern
To produce a grounding effect on the system
Inhale – Expand the chest first then the belly
To lengthen the spine and improve posture
To gradually deepen the breath
To have a more uplifting effect on the system
To unite prana and apana, we would focus on the SYMBOLIC downward movement of the breath on the inhalation (nose – throat – chest – belly), facilitated by intentional muscular contraction, and SYMBOLIC upward movement of the breath on the exhalation (using progressive abdominal contraction from the pubic bone toward the navel and then compressing the rib cage).
So to go back to our original question – what is the proper breathing technique – chest to belly or belly to chest – the answer is: It depends! It depends on what you are trying to accomplish.