Perfect plank
Plank pose prepares your body for more advanced yoga poses. For example, you should attempt handstands only when you feel confident doing planks.
If you don’t like doing a plank, it might be that you are making some alignment mistakes which complicate the pose. If you do everything correct, the pose no longer seems that hard and you may actually start to enjoy it very much!
Don’t do this is you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Practice with caution if you have problems with back and wrists.
How to do a plank pose
Tips: don’t concentrate on counting off seconds, instead concentrate on your breath, on pushing the mat away, and on keeping your body strong. Beginners may practice this pose with the knees on the floor. In this case, the spine and hips should form one line.
Benefits of a plank pose
Plank exercise is a perfect exercise for when you feel like having a short workout but you don’t have any particular ideas. You can practice it alone and it will bring you results. Plank is a static pose and it doesn’t require a warm-up, if you feel like you need to warm your joints a little, you can perform a few rounds of Cat and Cow. And don't get surprised when Plank becomes one of your favorite yoga poses!