Relieve Back and Neck Pain With This Yoga Sequence

Yoga poses that will immediately ease the pain and improve the posture.

1.Cat Pose 
Set up on all fours and make sure that your wrist and shoulders are in line, and so are your knees and hips. Open out your palms flat on your yoga mat and relax. Breathe and bend your back, tuck in your tummy. Repeat this 10 times.
#Goasana Cat Pose

2.Child’s pose 
Start in all fours position. Exhaling, sink your hips back toward your heels and reach your arms out along the floor in front of you. Lower your hips. Reach through your arms, and extend into your shoulders and you bring your forehead to the floor between your hands.
Child's Pose is one of the most popular and easy to do restorative yoga poses. Child's Pose is usually done after a hand stand to bring the blood circulation back to normal.#ADHO SHIRSHA VIRASANA Yoga Exercises and Workouts: Head-down hero pose |

You need to lie on your back with the soles of your feet together. Then let your knees fall out to the side. Rest the hands on your stomach and inhale through your nose. Feel your stomach expand and then exhale completely. Repeat this 15 times.
How to do Butterfly PoseBound angle pose - Baddha Konasana - Yoga Poses |

4.Downward Dog at the Wall

Try to stand facing a wall with your hands at waist-height and walk your feet back. Lift the sitting bones towards the sky as you press the hands into the wall. You will feel stretching and your hamstrings. Hold this position for 6 deep breaths. Repeat it several times.
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You should lie on your back with arms by your sides and palms face down. Then walk your feet back until the fingertips graze your heels. Press into your feet and lift your hips up. Hold that pose for 10 deep breaths. Repeat this several times.
BridgeBridge pose - Setu Bandhasana - Yoga Poses |

6.Cobra pose
Lie on your stomach. Place your hands on the floor, even with your shoulders, start to straighten them and bring the chest up, making sure that your feet, legs and thighs remain on the floor. Bring your head back and hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Cobra pose - Bhujangasana - Yoga Poses | YOGA.comHalf-cobra pose - Ardha Bhujangasana - Yoga Poses | YOGA.com5 of the best yoga poses | Kayla's Five Things