The 6 WORST Work out Mistakes
Mistake #1:
Doing Isolated Exercises
Doing isolated exercises like bicep curls and tricep kick-backs will NOT get you any significant results. These one-muscle-at-a-time moves simply don't stimulate enough muscle fibers to build lean muscle or expend enough energy to maximize your calorie burn. If you want to build lean muscle while burning fat so you can get serious definition, you need to perform exercises that stimulate as many muscles and expend as much energy as possible at the same time.
EXERCISE 1 BARBELL SQUAT 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS The king of exercises for the lower body, the squat is at the top of the list as one of the best compound exercises. The squat works all the major muscles including your butt, thighs, and calves. The squat will also strengthen your stomach and back muscles since you are using them for balance.
EXERCISE 2 DUMBBELL LUNGES 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS Along with squats, lunges rock at ruling lower-body development. Lunges are another excellent multi joint exercise and are particularly more functional for sports and daily activities than isolation exercises like leg extensions or leg curls. Lunges also work all your lower-body muscles, abs, and back, and especially shape the glutes (buttocks muscle) and hamstrings.
EXERCISE 3 BARBELL BENCH PRESS 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS When it comes to the upper body, the good old-fashioned bench press reigns supreme. This exercise is a staple of chest development and works all the major muscles in your chest and many more muscles in your shoulders and arms.
EXERCISE 4 WIDE-GRIP LAT PULL-DOWNS 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS Watch the muscles of your back develop and take shape in no time at all with this granddaddy of exercises for the back. You will also be impressed with how toned your arms will become without doing even one biceps curl!
EXERCISE 5 ONE-ARM DUMBBELL ROW 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS At center stage to work upper- and mid-back muscles and the rear head of the shoulders is the one-arm dumbbell row. It is also great at biceps and forearm development!
EXERCISE 6 DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS The overhead shoulder press is excellent for developing the shoulders, upper back, and neck, and toning the back of the arms.
EXERCISE 7 ABDOMINAL BICYCLE 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS This abdominal exercise, done on the floor, is one of the best moves to target the whole abdominal muscle, including the upper, lower, and side regions.
EXERCISE 2 DUMBBELL LUNGES 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS Along with squats, lunges rock at ruling lower-body development. Lunges are another excellent multi joint exercise and are particularly more functional for sports and daily activities than isolation exercises like leg extensions or leg curls. Lunges also work all your lower-body muscles, abs, and back, and especially shape the glutes (buttocks muscle) and hamstrings.
EXERCISE 3 BARBELL BENCH PRESS 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS When it comes to the upper body, the good old-fashioned bench press reigns supreme. This exercise is a staple of chest development and works all the major muscles in your chest and many more muscles in your shoulders and arms.
EXERCISE 4 WIDE-GRIP LAT PULL-DOWNS 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS Watch the muscles of your back develop and take shape in no time at all with this granddaddy of exercises for the back. You will also be impressed with how toned your arms will become without doing even one biceps curl!
EXERCISE 5 ONE-ARM DUMBBELL ROW 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS At center stage to work upper- and mid-back muscles and the rear head of the shoulders is the one-arm dumbbell row. It is also great at biceps and forearm development!
EXERCISE 6 DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS The overhead shoulder press is excellent for developing the shoulders, upper back, and neck, and toning the back of the arms.
EXERCISE 7 ABDOMINAL BICYCLE 1 SET OF 8-12 REPS This abdominal exercise, done on the floor, is one of the best moves to target the whole abdominal muscle, including the upper, lower, and side regions.
Mistake #2:
Working Out With Machines
Fancy machines may make the gym look high-end, but truthfully, about the only thing they're good for is for sitting down while you tie your shoes or catch your breath! The problem is this: Machines alter the way your body naturally moves and restrict your range of motion. This severely limits your ability to fully activate all of your muscles fibers, that means less fat burning and less muscle definition. Worse yet, machines can cause excessive strain on your joints, leading to nagging injuries down the road.
If you want fast results, it's critical that you incorporate exercises that allow your body to move naturally with full range of motion so you can skyrocket your metabolism and tone your entire physique. 6 basic movements to build mass.
Horizontal Push And Pull: This category covers basic bench presses, all variations and all rowing back exercises.
Vertical Push And Pull: Vertical pushes will help shoulder development as well as the traps. Vertical pulls will focus on your lats and other back muscles like the rhomboids and teres major.
Hip Dominant: The hip dominant category covers the lower body exercises that involve more of a glute and hamstring involvement than the quads.
Quad Dominant: Squat heavy. Squat often. Squats are a notorious muscle builder - all over.

Mistake #3:
Look, you need to do cardio if you want to lose weight and burn fat...BUT there's a right way and a wrong way to do your cardio workouts. If you've been pounding the pavement or the treadmill with nothing to show for it (except sore joints and a pair of stinky worn out sneakers), you already know it takes a lot of effort to get minimal results.
If you want fast results, it's critical that you incorporate exercises that allow your body to move naturally with full range of motion so you can skyrocket your metabolism and tone your entire physique. 6 basic movements to build mass.
Horizontal Push And Pull: This category covers basic bench presses, all variations and all rowing back exercises.
Vertical Push And Pull: Vertical pushes will help shoulder development as well as the traps. Vertical pulls will focus on your lats and other back muscles like the rhomboids and teres major.
Hip Dominant: The hip dominant category covers the lower body exercises that involve more of a glute and hamstring involvement than the quads.
Quad Dominant: Squat heavy. Squat often. Squats are a notorious muscle builder - all over.
Mistake #3:
Doing Long Bouts of Cardio
Look, you need to do cardio if you want to lose weight and burn fat...BUT there's a right way and a wrong way to do your cardio workouts. If you've been pounding the pavement or the treadmill with nothing to show for it (except sore joints and a pair of stinky worn out sneakers), you already know it takes a lot of effort to get minimal results.
Mistake #4:
Doing Crunches & Sit-Ups To Get 6-Pack Abs
If you want washboard abs, doing traditional ab exercises like crunches and sit-ups WILL NOT get you a six pack. In fact, doing any exercises that target your abs won't get you a six pack either! These so-called "ab" exercises are a complete waste of time. They don't make your abs get any more defined and they definitely don't burn any fat.
The key to getting sculpted abs is to burn off that stubborn layer of belly fat that's hiding
The key to getting sculpted abs is to burn off that stubborn layer of belly fat that's hiding
WALKING: puts all of the abdominal muscles to work. Make sure you swing your arms and contract your midsection while you walk, and maintain a brisk pace. Once you get your body accustomed to a daily walk, you'll hate to go a day without it. Walk for at least thirty minutes each time to achieve the aerobic effect, and be sure to drink plenty of water.
WEIGHT TRAINING: not only helps the metabolism, but it also strengthens the bones. Women who work out with weights are much less likely to develop osteoporosis in later years than their counterparts. Adding muscle also does wonders for the energy level and self-esteem. Contrary to a popular myth, lifting weights will not bulk you up with muscles that will eventually turn to more fat. They will give you a more feminine and symmetrical shape. If you enjoy weight training, do it.
YOGA is equally effective at strengthening the body, especially the abs and back. It improves the posture tremendously, to create a taller, leaner appearance.
Pilates and many mat-based exercises are also great alternatives. The important thing is that you find an activity that you like to do. This will greatly improve the odds of you sticking to it.

Mistake #5:
Repeating the same workouts over and over is a surefire way to STOP getting results. We're creatures of habit and we tend to stick to things we're familiar with and good at. But when it comes to your workouts, if you want to keep making progress and keep seeing changes in your body, you've got to start switching things up.
You see, your body has an amazingly ability to adapt quickly and when it does, that's when you hit the dreaded plateau and you stop making progress.
Mistake #5:
Repeating The Same Workouts Over & Over
Repeating the same workouts over and over is a surefire way to STOP getting results. We're creatures of habit and we tend to stick to things we're familiar with and good at. But when it comes to your workouts, if you want to keep making progress and keep seeing changes in your body, you've got to start switching things up.You see, your body has an amazingly ability to adapt quickly and when it does, that's when you hit the dreaded plateau and you stop making progress.
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