Let’s follow the pathway of surrender

David Hawkins Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
First, picture a big chain around your ankles that prevents you from moving toward the life you desire.
Second, think of the similarity between a peanut butter sandwich, a satellite signal, and a thought. They are all forms of energy. They only differ by the wavelengths at which they vibrate. Negative thoughts and emotions are aligned with low, slow-moving energies. Positive thoughts and emotions are aligned with high, fast-moving energies.
Third, put it all together by using the energy of thoughts and emotions to eliminate attachments. .
Stress is our reaction to a stimulus, and our reaction depends on our belief system. This means that instead of trying to “treat” stress by focusing on its aftereffects (e.g. muscle relaxation) we need to remove the source of the underlying tension, which is repressed and suppressed negative feelings.
Healing from an unpleasant event or loss will be a lot easier if we focus on finding the lesson in the experience. Dr. Hawkins says, “In some cases, it seems in retrospect that there was actually this unconscious purpose behind the event, as though our unconscious knew that something important had to be learned and, painful as it was, it was the only way it could be brought into experience.”
When faced with negative emotions, it is best to gradually move up the scale toward higher, faster energy fields. This means that when we transition from apathy to anger, we’re actually making progress, because we feel energized when we’re irritated or angry. The key is to not remain in an angry state for too long.
Love is more than an emotion or a thought; it’s a way of being which can only be achieved when we surrender our negative emotions. The energy of love is so high and powerful, that we can heal our bodies and help others heal by being love.
Besides reaching a state of love, letting go allows us to grow and to finally solve our problems. Opportunities open up, and our mind is clear so we can take action to live a joyful life. Dr. Hawkins illustrates this with the example of someone learning how to dance. If we’re anxious about following specific steps, it seems that we’ll never learn. When we relax and let our bodies follow the flow of the music, we can dance.
One of the most powerful benefits of conscious surrender is a state of inner freedom. Our happiness doesn’t depend on what someone says or does, or on the outcome of a situation. Our joy is not tied to what we do or what we own. We discover “something that remains constant and the same, no matter what goes on in the external world or with the body, emotions, or mind.”
This discovery is our inner self.