Warm Up With Stability Balls
by Christy Stevenson
Instructors tend to spend most of their creativity on the main body of the workout and forget to choreograph an equally inspiring warm-up. Instead of relying on ho-hum step-touches and classic knee lifts, incorporate the stability ball for an unforgettable warm-up that limbers up the body in all planes of movement.
Before beginning, make sure the stability balls are properly inflated and are the right height and size for each individual.
Jog and Dribble
Break the ice and get the blood flowing with this move. Encourage participants and tell them they don’t have to be superior athletes to have fun!
- Line everyone up in two or three rows and ask people to dribble their ball (like basketball players) while jogging across room.
- Depending on space available, complete 4–6 sets, switching lead arm with each pass.
- If space is limited, cue class to jog in place and do alternating hamstring curls while dribbling ball from hand to hand or bouncing it with both hands.
Squat With Overhead Extensions
Warm up the thighs and glutes while lengthening the spine. Encourage attendees to “check in” with how their bodies are feeling, particularly their lower backs and knees.
- Begin with basic squat, holding ball in relaxed grip at chest height.
- Cue class to keep spine long, abdominal muscles engaged and chest lifted as they sink into 90-degree squat, feet hip-width apart, toes and knees forward and aligned.
- Keep knees soft throughout movement. Avoid hyperextension.
- After 8 reps, add upper-body extension. Reach arms straight up beside ears on down phase, and lower to chest level on standing phase. Movement is fluid and controlled.
- Progression: Squeeze ball between palms as you lower arms to chest height, working chest and shoulder muscles.
- Complete 8–16 reps.
Change the movement plane and warm up the hips, adductors, abductors and trunk rotators with this core exercise.
- Cue participants to externally rotate hips, step out into sumo squat and sink to 90 degrees if possible.
- Hold stability ball at chest level and twist right.
- Keep arms strong throughout movement, elbows elevated and slightly bent.
- Pulse and twist for 3 counts; return to center.
- Repeat left.
- Complete 8 reps, each side.