
We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change. – Sheryl Sandberg
  • As soon as you are aware that your situation is intense and you may be getting swept away into emotion or feeling overwhelmed, notice the natural rise and fall of the breath. Allow the breath to smooth out.
  • Relax the body. If in an asana, pay particular focus to areas that don't need to be involved in the actions of the pose, such as the jaw, forehead, brow and belly. Soften and relax.
  • Feel the sensations in the body. Stay with the sensations, noting how they feel moment to moment.
  • Watch or witness your experience. Note the mind's reactions and let go. Release judgment and stories and return to watching your experience.
  • Allow your experience. Release efforts to manage or control it and simply allow. Surrender. Say yes to it.

For anything new to be born, the existing arrangement of particles and situations must die.