The Pectoralis Minor Muscle

What does pectoralis minor mean?

pectoralis minor muscle

The name Pectoralis minor describes the general location of this muscle.
Pectoralis comes from the Latin word “pectus” meaning breast.
Minor comes from Greek and means “the lesser”.
This is the smaller of the two Pectoralis muscles.

Where does pectoralis minor attach?


It originates on the third, fourth, and fifth rib


The coracoid process of the scapula

What actions does pectoralis minor muscle do?

  • Depression
  • Downward Rotation
  • Protraction

What are the most common injuries to pectoralis minor muscle?

The pectoralis minor muscle doesn’t necessarily get injured. However, it is important to note that the nerves, as well as the arteries and veins that feed the arm all run beneath the pectoralis minor muscle. If the muscle is strained or gets too tight it can compress these structures causing problems all the way down the arm. At this point it usually fits in under a condition known as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.

Postures where the pectoralis minor muscle contracts

As we push into the floor and lift our body, our scapulae depress, an action of pectoralis minor.

Postures where the pectoralis minor muscle lengthens

dhanurasana psoas muscle

In dhanurasana the scapulae are retracted, stretching the pectoralis minor. Photo Credit:

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Pectoralis Minor Trigger Points